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Single Direction Thrust Ball Bearings

Single Direction Thrust Ball Bearings
  • Thrust ball bearings are designed to handle axial loads only.
  • Thrust ball bearings consist of ball, retainer and both shaft and housing washers which contain grooves for the ball.
  • The double Direction Thrust ball bearings can support bi-directional loads.
  • The bearings with spherical housing washer can prevent static misalignment.

Bearing series

Type Flat back-face type Spherical back-face type With aligning seat
Single-derection 511 - -
512 532 532U
513 533 533U
514 534 534U
29 - -
39 - -
O(*1) - -
TAM(*2) - -
TG(*2) - -
Double-direction 522 542 542U
523 543 543U
524 544 544U
*1: Series O is inch-dimensioned.
*2: Series TAM , TG is extra-small and miniature.