Nachi-Fujikoshi Group sustainability

In this page, we introduce Nachi-Fujikoshi Group's sustainability initiatives.

Basic Sustainability Policy

We will strive to realize a sustainable society and increase corporate value based on our corporate mission of "Contributing to the progress of the world of manufacture."

Environmental Initiatives

Environmental Policies
  1. We will consistently be aware of the environmental impact of our business activities and continuously improve our environmental management system (EMS) to prevent pollution, promote the use of sustainable materials, and mitigate climate change.
  2. We will continuously improve our EMS to improve our environmental performance.
  3. We will focus on the following key issues as our environmental targets and goals and periodically review their progress:
    (1) Development of environmentally friendly, proprietary products
    (2) Contribution to a decarbonized society
    (3) Contribution to a recycling-oriented society (reduction of landfill waste and promotion of       recycling)
    (4) Managing and reducing environmentally hazardous materials
  4. We will comply with environmental regulations and agreements applicable to our business activities and establish and control our voluntary standards, as needed.
  5. We will inform all employees working at/for our facilities of the importance of our environmental policy and raise their awareness through environmental education and in-house information activities.
  6. We will externally disclose our environmental policy to improve communication with regional communities.
Green Procurement
  • Based on our Green Procurement Policy of "Achieving improvement activities aimed at a better global environment through manufacturing," we will work together with our suppliers to realize a low-carbon society and conserve the global environment, including the conservation of biodiversity, with the aim of achieving a society in which sustainable development is possible. We manufacture products using parts that conform to laws, regulations, and other regulations concerning environmental load, and parts that contain no banned substances and can be proven to be non-contained.
Structure for carbon neutrality
  • To date, we have worked to reduce CO2 at our plants by upgrading and consolidating our manufacturing facilities, switching from heavy oil to gas/electricity, and adopting high-efficiency hydraulic units and LEDs.
  • Going forward, we will further strengthen and expand our approach by utilizing renewable energy, innovating production lines, and reorganizing plants.
Click here for more information on environmental initiatives
Environmental Report 2021

Social Initiatives

Quality Management
  • All eight divisions have acquired ISO9001 quality management standards.
  • Quality compliance education is provided to all quality management personnel. In addition, we provide quality control education to new workers to ensure that quality awareness is firmly established (including at overseas plants).
Supply Chain Management
  • We manage the supply situation, including suppliers and logistics, in order to ensure the supply of raw materials, parts, etc.
    We share production plans with our suppliers and work to secure parts and materials on time, shorten lead time, and reduce inventories.
  • In the event of a disaster, we confirm the safety information of our suppliers, check the status of production bases, and implement measures, including securing transportation routes. We also provide necessary information to our business partners.
Procurement Embracing Corporate Social Responsibility
  • With regard to our business partners, at the start of trading, we confirm the prevention of pollution, safety, disaster prevention and environmental management, the export of regulated goods, and the elimination of antisocial forces.
  • We also confirm that conflict minerals are not used at the request of our customers.
  • We respect the diversity of each and every employee, regardless of nationality, belief, gender, or origin, and hire and evaluate them.
  • The following targets have been established as an action plan for general business owners.
    • Ratio of actual female graduates hired: 15% or more of March 2026 graduates
      (9.6% in April 2021)
    • Ratio of female managers: 5% or more as of the end of November 2025
      (3.8% as of the end of October 2021)
  • We are expanding the range of workplaces that can be adapted to disabled people and actively employ disabled people through special support schools and facilities to support the employment of disabled people.
  • The current employment rate of people with disabilities is 2.28% (the statutory employment rate is 2.3%), but we are working to maintain and improve the employment rate of people with disabilities.
  • Our group employees participate in and receive awards from the Toyama Prefecture Technical Competition for Persons with Disabilities every year to actively improve their work skills.
  • In October 2020, NACHI Seiko Co., Ltd., one of our group companies, received the Toyama Prefecture Governor's Award for Excellence in Employing People with Disabilities.
Occupational Safety & Health
  • We are working to prevent occupational accidents through the Safety and Health Committee.
  • We are working to improve sensitivity to dangers by implementing safety training for employees who experience dangers.
  • We rank our facilities and systematically improve their intrinsic safety.
  • We conduct medical checkups, clinical survey, and stress checkups.
  • A consultation service counter has been established at the medical checkup center, and industrial physicians and public health nurses respond to mental and physical health consultations.
  • To maintain and promote employee health, we conduct antismoking campaigns and distribute health videos.
Human Resource Development
  • We have established the Human Resources Development Promotion Department and have established a systematic employee education system.
  • Introduction and basic education for the early development of young employees, specialized education for enhancing expertise, and hierarchical education for the development of general managers are implemented.
  • We are promoting the acquisition of qualifications and self-development, and are paying allowances to those who pass the qualifications recommended by the company and bearing correspondence education costs.
  • As part of our global human resource development, we provide overseas language study programs for new graduates.
Supporting the Development of Technical Human Resources
  • In 1937, Fujikoshi Technical School (currently Fujikoshi Technical High School) was founded with the idea of "Training engineers to meet the demands of society." As one of the few corporate-affiliated high schools nationwide, we are focusing on the development of human resources that will open up the future of manufacturing, including the provision of guidance by Nachi-Fujikoshi engineers for industrial training.
  • In 2020, we participated in The Consortium of Human Education for Future Robot System Integration, a council related to robots in industry-academia collaborations led by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. The industry and educational institutions such as technical college and technical high schools cooperate with each other to foster the next generation of robotics-related human resources. We will support the development of human resources for the sophisticated industrial robotics market by providing various types of support to technical college and technical high schools.
Creation of pleasant working environments
  • We are promoting the creation of an environment that enables employees to work in accordance with their respective lifestyles through the use of nursing care leave, maternity, childcare leave, time differences and shorter working hours, a flextime system, and a remote working system.
  • By establishing in-house childcare centers, we support employees in achieving a balance between work and family and fully demonstrating their abilities in the workplace.
  • Profits generated by the company are reflected in employees' salaries and bonuses through wage raise, etc.
  • We are improving working conditions for non-regular employees in accordance with the equal pay guidelines for equal work.
Contributing to local communities
  • We manage Fujikoshi Hospital as a corporate hospital.
    In addition to Nachi-Fujikoshi employees, we provide high-quality medical care as a general hospital in the community.
    We are cooperating as a new coronavirus vaccination medical institution for medical worker, the elderly, and the general public.
  • Off-site cleanups are conducted by employees.
  • We accept plant tours (tours of various domestic and overseas organizations, small, medium, and high schools, etc.).
    *Currently, we do not accept public tours to prevent the outbreak of the new coronavirus.
  • In-company childcare centers, we have established a certain regional limit on the number of children we can use, and we also accept local children.

Governance Structure

  • In 2005, we established the Nachi-Fujikoshi Corporate Citizenship Rule as a code of conduct to be followed by all employees of our group and revised it as necessary (most recently implemented in 2018). These rules include compliance with laws and regulations, prohibition of transactions with anti-social forces, consideration for the environment, fair trade with suppliers, respect for human rights and prohibition of discrimination, prohibition of sexual harassment and power harassment, and protection of personal information.
  • Education on compliance is conducted annually for all Group employees.
  • The Compliance Committee, chaired by the president and including an outside lawyer, is established to formulate company-wide policies related to compliance, plan and promote various measures, and supervise and provide guidance on the status of activities. In particular, in order to promote fair business-to-business transactions, we have established the Antimonopoly Law Compliance Manual and are implementing educational and enlightenment activities.
Risk Management
  • The Risk Management Committee plays a central role in establishing management policies for each risk and strengthening BCP (Business Continuity Plan) responses.
Whistle-blowing system
  • We have established the Consultation Desk (both internal and external) as an internal reporting desk to improve the effectiveness of compliance.
Information Security

We establish an information security policy and strive to implement appropriate safety measures to protect the information assets held by our group.

We work to ensure that all Group executives, employees, temporary staff, and subcontractors that handle our information assets are fully aware of the importance of information security.

  1. Definition and scope of this policy
    (1) This policy defines the basic concept of information security management, and measures related to information security measures shall be in accordance with this policy.
    (2) This policy applies to employees who are in contact with the information assets and those used by our group in our operations.
  2. Information assets
    (1) Information assets refer to information that arises in the course of business regardless of media, as well as facilities, equipment, etc. necessary to handle information, including not only internal information but also external information such as customer information.
    (2) Information assets are used only for business execution.
  3. Establishment of an information security management system
    (1) Our group will implement security measures according to the classification of information assets, and take appropriate security measures to protect information assets from threats such as unauthorized intrusion, leaks, tampering, and destruction.
    (2) We confirm that necessary measures are also taken with regard to information security of third parties such as subcontractors.
    (3) We will develop and enhance our auditing system and strive to ensure, maintain and improve the effectiveness of information security.
  4. Compliance with Laws and Regulations
    Our Group employees and others will comply with this policy and related regulations, as well as laws and regulations related to information security.
  5. Education
    Our Group will conduct security education for our employees and strive to conduct business with an awareness of information security at all times.
  6. Response to Accidents
    Our Group will implement appropriate preventive and recovery measures to prevent business operations from being interrupted or halted by natural disasters, accidents, equipment failures or dishonest act.