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Dual Cut Hob

Excellent Material

Excellent material for hob having Wear Resistance and Chipping Resistance
Conventional Melted HSS Powder HSS For Dual Cut Hob
Optimum Coating in Dry Cutting
Optimum Hob Design in Dry Cutting

Typical structure of chip by wet cutting

Typical structure of chip by dry hobbing

SEM image of adhesive metal on cutting face by dry hobbing

Heat Transmittal and Diffusion

TiCN Coating
TiAlN Coating

Comparison between dry and conventional

  HSS Hob Carbide Hob
Coolant Non water soluble oil Dry Dry
Speed 80 - 120 120 - 160 300 - 350
Efficiency 1 1.5 3
Tool Life 1 (2 - 5) (4 - 10)
Cost 1 (1.5 - 2) (3 - 4)
Workshop environment

Recommended cutting conditions

Summary of dry hobbing